Audacious art: what benefits can bring shibari session
In this article: How shibari improves intimate life and develops sexuality.

Show CommentsTransformative practice that develops libido
Shibari session is a special kind of shibari (or otherwise kinbaku) practice. There is a popular opinion: shibari is just a japan art of the aesthetic tying up with ropes. People who are not aware of this sexual art believe that shibari is a kind of BDSM, fine bondage or just a prelude before a good sex. Looks like a simple scene: there are a master, a rope and a model. However, I consider shibari to be a kind of spiritual and therapeutic practice, kind of psychological technique. From my point, shibari is also a transformative practice that develops libido. How does this audacious and extraordinary art help? How ordinary ropes can change your sexual live and make you happy?
The master should understand that he (or she) is responsible not only for the body but also for the emotional state. A person does not come to ropes for no special reason. My idea is to help a person find and overcome what prevents him/her from enjoying his/her sexual energy: complexes, shame, muted desires. To accept your shadow and make friends with it, to take care of it and finally to experience new sexual fantasies via bondage. People come to shibari for various reasons, for some, it is an opportunity to release the tension and responsibility at least during the session. There are also those who are feeling a lack of attention or confidence or new impressions and emotions. In all these cases, the ropes and bondage can help you.
Acceptance of yourself and breaking free of constraints
According to my experience, after the photo shoots the models become successful in their private life. Quite often the girls that deny their sexuality come to photo shoots. A person that binds himself/herself from inside does not allow his/her emotions and feeling to come out. For such occasion bondage can grant you mental relaxation and stimulation to get rid of such denial. I must admit that shibari therapy helps to relax, see the beauty of your body and perceive yourself in a new way. From the one hand a person releases his sexual desires, from the other hand kinbaku makes your mind to slow down and realize that your body is capable for much more than you ever expected. Such shibari sessions help to overcome complexes as well.

Free of constraints
Once a gorgeous girl came to me, but she was ashamed to show herself. She was ashamed even in bed with her husband. She was afraid to be active, to express her sexual desires. Shibari session helped the girl to get rid of complexes and fears, the girl could open up and spark up her love life. Shibari helps not only in building confidence, sometimes strong women need to feel the power of ropes and bondage as well.
To feel weak and helpless
Sometimes shibari technique can help to not only feel gorgeous but also can save a family. Thanks to kinbaku, you can learn to trust your husband (wife) not only during the sessions but also in life. Needless to say that this therapy significantly improves the sexual fantasies and sexual life. Shibari gives you the opportunity not only to see the beauty of your body, but also to feel weak and helpless, and to shift all the responsibility for your body, emotions, and feelings on the shoulders of the master. So, shibari is far not only sexual game, if done properly it could heal your mind.

To feel weak and helpless
Ease your tactile hunger with bondage
Let’s imagine a very typical situation. Some woman has been married for more than 10 years now. She lacks attention from her husband. Of cource, they love each other, but woman always felt lack of touches, feelings, attention from him. The couple felt how the sexual tension was increasing, but they could not come to some sort of mutual understanding. There is such a thing as tactile hunger. Nowadays, most people are constantly busy with work, daily routine, and little attention is paid to such basic things as hugs, touches. Shibari session will make you the center of everyone’s attention and be sure that your tactile hunger will be eased with bondage. Kinbaku will even expand your social circle, so that people that go through shibari practice are open to the new contacts.
Shibari session and interaction between people
There is one more aspect of shibari. It is not only a sexual and aesthetic art, but also a manner of interaction between people. You can use the bondage in different ways and for different purposes. Have you ever imagined that this sexual art is used even to slow down the hyperactive people? The whole process of tying up with the ropes and consequently, unleashing, helps such people to stay mentally still.
I’m glad that shibari helps people, and that a true perception about this art finally started to form. However, ropes should be used with caution, if binding is incompetent the ligaments, skin or other organs could be damaged. With any skin disease, shibari session should also be abandoned. The main thing in this teasing art is trust and emotions, but remember that you should learn how to use ropes and make proper bondage only from experienced masters.