Shibari performances: private parties best photoshoots

Shibari performances

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Public performances

This area contains photo albums from some of my performances mainly snapped away at parties, as well as at the festivals and similar events.

Since I fell in love with the art of shibari because of aesthetics in the first instance, I am preparing for the performances with particular pleasure. I have always loved to transfuse mood into a visual, symbolic picture. Moreover, I like to transform myself. You can try on the image of someone else and act out an episode. Such performances allow you to underline and express your mood via adored art, to your favourite music. The playlist is the subject of a separate discussion. Music is very important for me, I adore it and choose it in line with my mood or image, the idea of the performance.

The canvas – the models body

When I was a child, I looked at my hands and thought that I would be playing the piano. In the end, I started to paint and then I met shibari art and fell in love with it. Now, instead of the piano, I am playing with the ropes. This activity fascinates me the same as the cat is being fascinated with the ball of yarn. The human`s body and face was my favourite subject for painting. At that, I always enjoyed to deform the body shapes and group them into unusual positions. Actually, this factor remains unchanged, I proceed with this with great pleasure. Instead of brushes and paints, I use the ropes and wax, the canvas – the models body. I am extremely attracted by the suspension bars. In this, I can fully realize my passion for grouping the body into unusual positions, which brings me great pleasure. Here I also made use of my previous profession – fashion design. After all, to think up interesting characters is my passion as well. Another thing I love about live performances is that I can share all this beauty with you, embody it into a show.

Shibari master Anna Leontieva

Circus party - excited shibari performance

Excited Circus Party In the end of May in Odesa was held an awesome party on the occasion of 2 years anniversary of BDSM nightclub Iznanka. This event was obliged...

29 May 2021

Japanese style: symphony of the bondage and hot wax

Expecting for shibari atmosphere In spring our hearts are filled with happiness and intolerable desire to live, move forward, try things out. You are ready to open up as a...

22 May 2021

Shaman party - thematic shibari performance

Shaman party in Iznanka – back to primordial instincts Living in the cities slowly pushes out from our vocabulary such words as “shaman”, “spirits”, “otherworld”. We can approach the otherworld...

15 May 2021

Gothic Party – stylish shibari performance

Morbid shibari evening BDSM nightclub Iznanka announced that the next party is going to be in a gothic style. So to say, a meeting in a mysterious gothic castle. The...

27 March 2021

Valentine's Day - shibari performance in BDSM club Iznanka

A Happy Shibari Valentine’s Day Saint Valentine’s Day is a great reason to attend another shibari performance. Yet again BDSM nightclub Iznanka prepared an incredibly varied programme. Personally I do...

14 February 2021

Pirate party - thematic shibari performance

The Pirate Themed Party The Pirate party – this theme is becoming regular for the BDSM nightclub Iznanka. And no wonder why. So this time our pirate party was special....

07 February 2021

Crazy Party: shibari performance in predatory camouflage

After a month of holiday lockdown No wonder why the owner of BDSM nightclub Iznanka decided to call the party – Crazy Party. After a month of holiday lockdown, people...

30 January 2021

Voodoo party: thematic shibari performance

Wouldn’t we have a Voodoo party? During the next party, after a bright performance, my model – Falca came up with the ingenious thought “Wouldn’t we have a Voodoo party?”...

02 September 2020

Androgyn in white tricot: extraordinar shibari performance

Shibari art and socially sensitive issues BDSM nightclub Iznanka and Anna Leontieva create cool collaborations. The result is not always evident and expected. During her performances, the shibari master not...

15 August 2020

Freak carnival - exclusive shibari performance

New Year’s carnival atmosphere Freak carnival – the night when you could walk the craziest shadow and become anyone. It was a crazy and bright night. The silver twinkle of...

24 December 2019

Six months from the opening of the BDSM nightclub Iznanka

Festive Evening in BDSM nightclub Iznanka It’s been half a year since the opening day of BDSM nightclub Iznanka. For six months two figures of Buddha are welcoming the guests...

01 December 2019

In sailor shirt: thematic shibari performance

Pirate themed party for adults: you can smell the sea now While I was waiting for my order at the bar I couldn’t but discussed a shibari performance with the...

10 November 2019

Pirate themed party for adults - shibari performance

Many people like the marine and pirate theme. I must admit in BDSM nightclub Iznanka people adore it. Thus, when I saw the event poster I understood what I will be doing that evening.

09 November 2019

Halloween party: thematic shibari performance

Halloween’s mysterious esthetic It’s no secret that Halloween is my favorite holiday. This mysterious esthetic spellbinds me. On this holiday I feel at home, everything around is decorated with elegant...

31 October 2019

Fallen Nun and Innocent Girl - shibari performance with fetishes

Theatre of fantasies welcomes his guests Let’s face the truth, all of us have their fetishes. They surround us. Immediately, when you see the image that subconsciously excites you, the...

11 October 2019

Plaid skirt: a schoolgirl theme shibari performance

School skirt fetish Of course plaid skirt fetish or other schoolgirl theme fetishes have nothing to do with pedophilism. Any man would say that he would like his girl to...

05 October 2019

Teacher - schoolgirl role-play: shibari performance in BDSM club

Teacher - schoolgirl role-play is one of the most common scenarios of sexual roleplays. One of the most common erotic fantasies is sex with a schoolgirl, teacher or schoolmistress…

04 October 2019

Public Dating

I'm getting ready for my performances and have sessions with the model. It is necessary to understand how her body reacts to one or another bandage…

28 September 2019

Neon ropes: shibari performance in BDSM club

This time my model FALCA has chosen the most comfortable clothes by herself. I invited her to sit on a barstool, I bound her hands with the ropes first and fixed her legs on the stool.

19 September 2019

Pajama party: shibari performance in the nightclub

Marina had a good experience of shibari performances and sessions not only as a model, but also as a shibari master.

27 July 2019