Workshop: group and individual shibari classes

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Workshop service | ✓ rope, ✓ ties, ✓ suspensions ⭐ Shibari Witch Studio

Shibari Witch Art Studio is glad to represent a workshop service. Shibari master Anna Leontieva conducts a group and individual classes. Of course, the age of our client is 18+. In short, our programme consists of three steps. The first one is an introduction to shibari and safety.

Important! We strongly advise not to try shibari, tying, suspending, hanging or any playing with ropes without prior preparation. Improper handling of ropes can have dire consequences for your health or life. Remember: safety is the first rule!

After a safety briefing, Anna will explain to you another base knowledge. The second step is to tie with different variations. And the last step is the main types of suspension. So, during our workshop you will learn about the following topics:

Start of the workshop

  • Safety
  • The emotional and psychological aspect
  • Base knots
  • Improvisation with a single rope


  • Takate-kote options
  • Other chest straps
  • Futomomo variations for legs and arms
  • Strappado
  • Pelvic tying
  • Karada
  • Other harnesses for torso, legs, arms …


As you know, shibari, like other oriental arts, is a practice. So it’s important to point out that the main focus of our workshop is a practice. After going through all our classes, you will be able to make ties, knots, tie and suspend the model on the ropes. You will gain enough skills and knowledge to practice shibari on your own.


What is a shibari workshop?
This is a group shibari class. Depending on the level of the group, the master will teach one or another bondages and techniques of tying-up.
Which programme would you recommend for the newcomers?
We start from the safety technique. Then we start practicing – basic knots and bondages, complicated bondages, semi-suspensions, suspensions… Each workshop will include practice with the ropes. The master demonstrates and the group repeats.
Is it possible to choose the subject of the workshop?
Yes, you can choose the subject or the programme by yourself. The master will make a workshop on it.
Can you arrange a workshop in another city or country?
Yes. To do this you will have to pay a two-way ticket and resolve an issue with accommodation. You can invite the master with the model or provide your model for the shibari master. Feel free to email me for discussion of other details
I want a workshop, what should I do?
Please contact our shibari master
Can I make a video record of the workshop?
Yes. But please note, that you can make a video record of the workshop for your private use only (for you to be able to practice at home). It is strictly prohibited to share the video record in the social media or Internet, or distribute in any other way.
What is kinbaku?
This term is used when we have in mind binding of a person and affecting not only his body but also his emotions and mentality.
What is shibari?
Shibari means “to bind”. You can bind anything – a stone, a tree, home décor and a person, of course. Nowadays, in Western countries this term is used more when we are talking about kinbaku – binding of a person. We assume that this term underlines esthetic aspect of this art.
What does rope bondage mean?
Binding with the ropes – fixation of the body for a certain purpose. For example, we can bind and fix a model or a partner for further whipping, playing with wax and everything else you can imagine…
What does a single column mean?
Single column means one circle. This is the first basic knot from which shibari training starts. You can use it when binding an arm, a leg or a waist. Then you continue with the rest. The majority of all the bondages start with it.
What is a double single?
A second basic knot. Commonly used for tying up two arms or legs. Moreover, this is the start of majority of the bondages and erotic play.
What is the one-rope technique?
When you know how to tie 1 or 2 basic knots and have only one rope, you can bring strong feelings to your partner or model. Quite often, we do it on the floor. In order to practice you don't need any suspension points.
What does Takate-Kote mean?
Abbreviation – TK. This is the way of tying-up a chest with the arms behind your back. It is a classic Japanese bondage used for suspension, but not only for it. There are a lot of different variations of this bondage, so that the art develops.
What is Futomomo?
Futomomo is the tying-up of a bound leg. The same as Takate-Kote, it has many variations. Commonly used for suspensions, semi-suspensions and other erotic plays. This bondage looks exceptionally erotic on women and men. Futomomo allows opening you at the level of the genitals.
What is Strappado?
Strappado is binding of straight arms behind your back. Frequently with tying-up a chest with one circle. The classic version was used for tortures in ancient Japan.
What does Koshinava mean?
It means a pelvis bondage for suspensions. It is frequently used for self-suspension, so that it is one of the bondages that you can do by yourself. You can practice it on men and women. Interesting to know that you can wear this bondage under the clothes. If you add one element with the knot in the right place, you can feel satisfaction while doing routine things.
What does Karada mean?
When doing Karada the master covers the torso with the rope pattern. The shibari masters frequently use this type of bondage during the photo shoots because of its beauty. The classic version cannot be used for suspension. However, if you tie-up Karada on a naked body, put on a dress on top and have a walk you would realize that this bondage isn`t so simple. When untied, this bondage leaves a beautiful diamond pattern on the body.
What is suspension?
Suspension – a technique when the model`s body is completely or partially elevated over the floor using the ropes and special tying.
What are the types of suspension? What is the difference between them?
  • - Semi-suspension – the model`s body is partially elevated over the floor. In other words, a certain part of the body is on the floor.
  • - Static suspension – the model`s body is fully elevated. The body is fixed in one position.
  • - Dynamic suspension – the model`s body is fully elevated. The master changes the position of the body several times. Different variations are possible. Changing from semi-suspension to suspension and/or vice versa changing the model’s positions.
  • - Self-suspension – you bind and elevate yourself.