Gothic Party – stylish shibari performance
In this article: Candid goth shibari party for adults - ropes, blood and pentagramm

Model: Nastya
Shibari master: Anna Leontieva
- Performances (23)
- Gallery (8)

Model Nastya
Gothic party begins

Model Nastya
Into the pentagram

Model Nastya
Sexy chest and black ropes

Model Nastya
Naked chest of Nastya

Model Nastya
Sexy naked model in ropes

Model Nastya
Suspended Nastya upside down

Model Nastya
Start of bloody game

Model Nastya
Here will be blood

Model Nastya
Black and blood

Model Nastya
Naked bloody chest of rope model

Model Nastya
Suspended model with bloody chest

Model Nastya
Roped sexy body

Model Nastya
Roped model lies near pentagram

Model Nastya
Strong ropes and bloody chest

Model Nastya
And the blood on her body

Model Nastya
Nice bloody ropes

Model Nastya
Anna with satanic bible

Model Nastya
Anna with skull

Model Nastya
Anna licks the blood on her lips

Model Nastya
Sexy kisses
Shibari performance in gothic style - model Nastya and Anna Leontieva in BDSM club Iznanka
Morbid shibari evening
BDSM nightclub Iznanka announced that the next party is going to be in a gothic style. So to say, a meeting in a mysterious gothic castle. The castle will be full of candles, people that like a mystic, thematically dressed staff. Of course, no such a party would be complete without a shibari performance. Looking further forward I should say that this shibari performance became a real discovery and a revelation not only for me but also for experienced visitors of this nightclub. Revealing representation, good intrigue and a special guest star. Well, have you already put on the most morbid and darkest clothes? Then, we are starting off!
Sexual gothic bride led by a shibari master
This time I hardly recognized Anna. I thought that maybe they invited someone else. Chic long hair and gothic makeup completely changed a shibari master. Immediately, when she came in sight, we were covered with the outbreak of mystery and sacrament. Behind her, I saw a gothic bride. The Shibari model was holding a light. She already had a bondage on her leg that was analogous to stocking.
The overall image of the model was sexually explicit and turned everyone’s attention. Anna and the model literally grew into their roles. Anna gave me creeps when with one sweep she sent the bride to the table and took the chalk. I already knew that she was going to draw a pentagram. It looked like she was doing it every evening. The master instructed the model to approach. Well…here we go!
The hypnotized audience, mystical ritual and blood
Anna made Takate-kote and a side suspension. I should say that Takate-kote made to stand out sexual breasts of the model A LOT. They became much sappier than before. I know that during some time all the guests were just hypnotized by what they saw. I myself could hardly move my gaze. Meanwhile, Anna approached the table and took a knife, a ceremonial cup, a book and something else. Is it really a skull? I definitely wanted to ask Anna about it.
It looked creepy. She put the skull under the model and started the mystical ritual. Now she walked around the model with the book in her hands and the knife overhead. The ceremonial cup went over to the guest. It’s so cool that the audience has a chance not only to observe but to participate in the actual shibari performance. The cup went back to Anna. In one movement, she cut her wrist and blood started dripping down her arm. Shibari master collected her blood with the knife and placed it into the ceremonial cup. What’s going to happen next?
Special guest star for shibari evening
Anna approached the model that all this time was in a side suspension. She plunged her hand into the cup, took the handful of blood and started to cover the model with it. The gothic bride became covered with a layer of blood. After changing the positions, Anna let the model down on the floor and untied her. The guests of BDSM nightclub Iznanka were a little bit shocked. However, it was evident that they were satisfied. While everyone was getting away from what he saw, I rushed to Anna. I desperately wanted to query her about the details.
Details and clarifying
Hi Anna, that was something incredible. Thank you for such a powerful shibari performance!
I am pleased that I managed to delve everyone present into the theme of the evening and art of shibari.
I have a few questions. Everyone was quite impressed with the skull, it’s interesting whether it is real?
Yes, it’s a human skull, so, we can say that this is our special guest star. He precisely participated in the performance and fed us with mystical energy. Today there were three of us on the stage. I even talk to you in his presence. My model Nastia borrowed him to me.
What is that book with pentagram?
This is the Satanic Bible. It’s real. This is quite an interesting book. It recommends enjoying earthly life. Actually, we are doing this.
Isn’t it too much? If I am not mistaken this book is covering Satan with glory?
If you think about it, Satan lives in all of us. He is the dark side of our nature. It is important to spend time self-knowing and revealing him. This is more a symbol of love to everything that is on Earth, to everything worldly.
I see. During this performance, you used a lot of real stage requisites, was blood real as well?
No, of course not. Blood is a fake. The knife is for taking off the wax, so you cannot cut yourself with it.
Thank you Anna for clarifying. Everything looked so natural. That was why it made such a fuss among the guests. Have a nice evening.