Shaman party - thematic shibari performance

In this article: cute shibari model takes part in shamanic ritual.

Shaman party in BDSM club


Blogger, journalist, publicist in Shibari Witch Art Studio

Model: Nastya

Shibari master: Anna Leontieva




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Sexy shibari model Nastya in shaman party

Shaman party in Iznanka – back to primordial instincts

Living in the cities slowly pushes out from our vocabulary such words as “shaman”, “spirits”, “otherworld”. We can approach the otherworld only through the screens of our TVs or computers. Unfortunately, step by step we are losing our contact with nature and real values that formed a modern human. Nevertheless, if you go to the wild places the primordial instincts will arise immediately. Nature wants you to follow the rules of the game strictly. Otherwise you can pay badly for it. For example, you can hardly scare a bear with the latest version of the phone. You should know how to behave in the wilds properly. This themed party in the BDSM nightclub Iznanka was dedicated to the invisible worlds and shamanism. For one night the guests of Iznanka could approach the world of the shamans and become part of the ritual.

Shamanic ritual in shibari style – the beginning

That night the shibari master came out in shamanic headpiece. With the help of this accessory the shamans concentrate their energy. It’s an inseparable part of the ceremonial garment. Anna sat down on the floor with the Tibetan resonance bowl and started playing. Following Anna’s sign live music started to play. At one moment the whole space of the nightclub became occupied by cosmic sounds. It seems to me that I entered a trance state a little bit. Anna gave another signal and a shibari model entered the room. She was wearing a bondage on her leg already. Moreover, she had a red candle and incense sticks. Shortly, the smell of cinnamon accompanied cosmic music. All the guests became relaxed, so it was high time to start shamanic ritual in shibari style.

Ropes, bondages and interaction with the audience

Shibari master started the bondage from the hand. Single column covered the model’s wrist. Anna bent the model’s hand, tied the bondage and fixed the hand to the ring. Then she proceeded with the leg. Single column covered the leg above the knee from the same side as the bound arm. After that Anna pulled up the model by her side. She let the first leg down and tied the legs of the model nicely with the rest of the rope. With masterful moves the shibari master let the model hang with her head down. Then she started playing with her legs. The most impressive moment of the shibari performance was cooperation with the audience. Anna gave the rope to one of the guests. It looked as if the model held out her hand to the audience. The rope was tensed up to maximum. Just like a string of a finely tuned guitar. Meanwhile, the master was untying the knots. When the model was on her legs the guest let the rope down. Of course, a sign of the master prefaced that.

How the look of the shibari master appeared

Later on, during conversation with Anna I found out that she was inspired by Maria Franz of Heilung while creating such a look. It was another interesting opening for me. Before that night I never heard about this band and their singer. The band Heilung consists of the representatives from Norway, Germany and Denmark. They are united with the traditions of Northern Europe, which results in a high quality product. But this is already another story. That evening Anna made everything possible to pay attention to the theme of shamans and provoked the interest of the audience. I think that combining the themes of shamans and shibari was quite a challenging and successful experiment. Evidently, Shibari Witch Art Studio can play around with any story. So, if you have any preferences or ideas, the shibari master is open for discussion. Moreover, she will propose some interesting solutions specially for you. You can contact Anna.