Candy love

In this article: Shibari session with wax game.

Candy Emotional Love - creative shibari photos of model Masher Adams


Shibari master, blogger, artist

Photographer: Aleksandra Shakhnovskaya

Models: Alexander OstapchukMasher Adams

Shibari master: Anna Leontieva




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Candy love: erotic photosession with shibari model Masher Adams and Alexander Ostapchuk

Winter emotions

Winter in Odesa is rather emotional, gloomy and schizophrenic time. Snow will soon become a paranormal phenomenon for us and is already a real holiday. But despite the fact that the temperature on the thermometer does not go far into minus, our beloved Black Sea compensates for this fact head on. As a result, we have a gray landscape and a piercing wind, which tirelessly eat up all the emotional and physical heat.

Beyond a dull reaction to this gray season, I still understand that there is a special charm in winter. You can surrender to your favorite books, films and finally complete or implement creative projects. But here, life in all its glory shows my favorite sense of black humor. Namely – you really don’t have enough strength for this.

February and March are the hysterical culmination of this pessimism. The time when you need to squeeze out all available and not available forces to close all projects.
This is the period when you can go on the same emotional mood and anticipation of spring. And then the parade of this hysteria opens Valentine’s Day, the day of love and all lovers… Or the day of the mentally ill in Germany.

Love can be crazy

The fact that the day of lovers and the mentally ill falls on the same date is for me an expression of life wisdom. Namely – love can be crazy when we are in love – we behave inappropriately, I can play with words for a long time, but the essence is clear… But… I’m also sure that love can cure everything that was previously suspected in the opposite perspective.

Now my story will start to smell like sweets, because we move on to the description of this photo shoot. The main idea of ​​which was a symbolic depiction of love between a man and a woman.

So, on the eve of February 14th, hearts, pink dreams and sweets fly in the air. And after the inspirational project “Autumn in the Ropes”, Alexandra and I decide to make a creative photo shoot on the theme of love in its sweetest manifestation. Where the red ropes will become symbols of feelings that bind lovers. And candles – passion, which after the explosion leaves heat on the body and heart.