Androgyn in white tricot: extraordinar shibari performance
In this article: young extraordinar shibari male model in white tricot
Photographer: Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Shibari master: Anna Leontieva
- Performances (23)
- Gallery (8)
Shibari art and socially sensitive issues
BDSM nightclub Iznanka and Anna Leontieva create cool collaborations. The result is not always evident and expected. During her performances, the shibari master not only pays attention to the philosophy and beauty of shibari art. Anna also tries to raise socially sensitive issues. For example, the presence of people that “don’t fit” or are not like the others. Unfortunately, pinning labels on people is caused by inhibitions of those who are ready to judge everyone around them. Odesa is the city of free people where you are allowed and should raise such issues. So during this shibari performance Anna revealed the issue of androgyny. The Androgyn. People who charm with their ability to turn into man and woman. So we take one androgyn, combine him with the delicacy of shibari and get an incredible performance. Let’s see how it was.
White maillot, shibari and androgyn
This time Anna introduced her new shibari model. Tenebris came to the audience in a beautiful white maillot and bare torso. His torso was already covered with the net, which the shibari master prepared beforehand. Bright make-up and an unusual model immediately captured attention. Anna started with the side suspension. Then she started her game with the model’s legs. Different positions of the legs revealed the beauty of the body in a different way. It was clear that the shibari model absolutely trusted Anna with all fears and unconfidence. After each skillful move of the shibar master, Tenebris seemed to be more and more relaxed. Carefully Anna let the model’s torso down and spilled wax on his body for a complete relaxation. Everything looked free and easy. When Tenebris was on the floor it was clear that he gave himself to shibari. Inner freedom is all that people want. At the same time, it is the most difficult thing to achieve. Before getting it, you should work hard on strengthening of your inner self.
I believe the future will reflect different body types, ethnicities, cultures and sexual orientations. I’ve been working with a lot of young artists who really project an androgynous and inclusive approach to the world. I’m very inspired by that.
Shibari therapy on self-acceptance
After the show ended I discussed with the shibari master this exciting performance. I came to the conclusion that Anna was interested in androgyn subject for quite a long time. Actually, in people that equally have male and female qualities. As part of her shibari practise Anna means to release a person from inner restrictions and inhibitions. Sometimes even for just staying as you are. In such cases the shibari master acts delicately and does not insist on anything. It is important not to shut down a person even more. The master goes step by step. Session after session she will teach you to love yourself and not to pay attention to the sharp words of others. Anna emphasizes that a person is more than just his body. But if body is a part of you, you should definitely accept it. She also pays attention that in our country you should be brave enough for the androgyn to look as he feels inside. Fortunately, nowadays normality of androgyn is popularized. We see them on screens, on the stage, on the runways. Step by step we change our attitude to them. In many countries androgyny is normal. I hope that with the help of Anna and other artists, in Ukraine people will also start perceiving androgynes, like everyone else.
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Model: Tenebris
Ihor Tomash
Shibari male model Tenebris in white tricot